Lots of respect for your spirit and integrity.

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I embarrassed my youngest two by skip-diving for discarded wooden building materials. But I stand by every plank, every 2x4, every old fencepost-anything discarded that might heat hearths and keep us warm in winter. And now my youngest two are adults-they salvage and scavenger as befit citizens of this frankly terrifying new world that emerges from the tatters of the old one. The rough beast blundering Bethlehemwards? What have we wrought?

Stay warm, stay well and keep on going xxx

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There wouldn’t be a house here without the crap i heaved back from the tip.

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Thanks. Debi. You too

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I enjoy your work, James, thanks very much. Nice to put a voice to your words. Funnily enough I'm currently reading Deakin's notes from walnut tree farm, and enjoying it thoroughly. Best wishes from Norwich, UK.

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Thanks for reading Ben. Glad you liked it. I’m actually trying to pull all my random posts on here into a more coherent book. I revisited notes from Walnut tree farm to give myself a clearer picture of where I should take it.

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